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Physicians play a special role as leaders in helping healthcare and life sciences organizations adjust to the wrenching changes in their industries. That leadership role often is at odds with the success M.D.s have had as practicing physicians. However, it is vital that physicians shift their mindset and behavior from successful doctor to impactful manager and leader.

Rob will share the capabilities of a unique physician leadership framework that he has synthesized from his coaching, consulting, and leadership experiences. He will relate his leadership framework to the International Society of Performance improvement Certified Performance Technologist competencies. Key questions to be addressed include how can physicians make a leadership shift? What are implications for performance improvement in healthcare and biopharma?

At the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Differentiate attributes of outstanding and average leaders (based on your and your colleagues’ experiences)
  • Identify three ways that the mindset of a typical physician interferes with his/her role as a healthcare or pharmaceutical leader
  • Articulate the capabilities of a unique physician leadership framework that Rob Greenly has synthesized from his coaching, consulting, and leadership experiences
  • Compare at least five of the Certified Performance Technologist competencies with Rob Greenly’s leadership framework

Logistics:  February 4, 2015 from 6:15 to 8:30pm at the Burlington Public Library, 22 Sears Street, Burlington, MA 01803.  Register at